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A hazy, rainy day; an after-work evening; a short walk and a neon sign; a mildly thirsty and curious man with an affinity for "something new"; this same man's desire for "something real"; an equal desire for the familiar—a redux of good times
CONTEXT 1, the personal experience bit.


A vibrant neighborhood; a budget and habit for higher-end goods (this person is many, an entire demographic!); a bar within a short walk to their dwelling (the owner looking to sell!); a new distillery seeking to promote its products and expand into the area (a rep is ready to move some inventory!)
CONTEXT 2, current market opportunities.

the contexts, forward paths emerge.



Designs, choice of words, hiringbetter experiences, finding profit potential, imagining new products, pondering ethos, et cetera et cetera

The breadth and depth of found context facilitates the next steps and accompanies success for everyone involved.

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